Peter D. Fields, Joseph R. Jalinsky, Laura Bankers, Kyle E. McElroy, Joel Sharbrough, Chelsea Higgins, Mary Morgan-Richards, Jeffrey L. Boore, Maurine Neiman, & John M. Logsdon, Jr. 2024. Genome evolution and introgression in the New Zealand mud snails Potamopyrgus estuarinus and Potamopyrgus kaitunuparaoa. Genome Biology and Evolution 16: evae091.

Briante S.L. Najev & Maurine Neiman. 2024. Invasive freshwater snails are less sensitive to population density than native conspecifics. Ecology and Evolution,

Joel Sharbrough, Laura Bankers, Emily Cook*, Peter D. Fields, Joseph Jalinsky, Kyle E. McElroy, Maurine Neiman, John M. Logsdon, Jr., & Jeffrey L. Boore. 2023. Single-molecule sequencing of an animal mitochondrial genome reveals chloroplast-like architecture and repeat-mediated recombination. Molecular Biology and Evolution 40: msad007.

Maurine Neiman & Joel Sharbrough. 2023. A tale of two genomes: What drives mitonuclear discordance in asexual lineages of a freshwater snail? BioEssays 45: 2200234.

Stephanie Meirmans, Dunja Lamatsch, & Maurine Neiman. 2022. Sticky steps and the gender gap: How thoughtful practices could help keep caregivers in science. Proceedings B 289: 20221837.

Sydney Stork*, Joseph Jalinsky, & Maurine Neiman. 2022. Evidence for stronger discrimination between conspecific and heterospecific mating partners in sexual vs. asexual female freshwater snails. PeerJ 10: e14470.

Kyle E. McElroy, Laura Bankers, Deanna Soper, Gery Hehman, Jeffrey L. Boore, John M. Logsdon, Jr., & Maurine Neiman. 2022. Patterns of gene expression in ovaries of sexual vs. asexual lineages of a freshwater snail. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 845640.

Loeske Kruuk, Sarah Brosnan, & Maurine Neiman. 2022. Despite COVID: Showcasing new research in evolutionary biology from academic caregivers in the middle of a pandemic. Proceedings B 289: 20222131.

Carina Donne, Katelyn Larkin, Claire Adrian-Tucci, Abby Good*, Carson Kephart*, & Maurine Neiman. 2022. Life-history trait variation in native vs. invasive asexual New Zealand mud snails. Oecologia 199: 785-795.

Kieran A. Bates, Chelsea Higgins, Maurine Neiman, & Kayla C. King. 2022. Turning the tide on sex and the microbiota in aquatic animals. Hydrobiologia.

Kyle E. McElroy, Stefan Müller, Dunja K. Lamatsch, Laura Bankers, Peter D. Fields, Joseph R. Jalinsky, Jeffrey L. Boore, John M. Logsdon, Jr., & Maurine Neiman. 2021. Asexuality associated with marked genomic expansion of tandemly repeated rRNA and histone genes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38: 3581-3592.

Omera Matoo & Maurine Neiman. 2021. Bringing disciplines and people together to characterize the plastic and genetic responses of molluscs to environmental change. Integrative & Comparative Biology 61: 1689-1698.

Angus Davison & Maurine Neiman. 2021. Mobilising molluscan models and genomes in biology. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 376: 20200163.

Maurine Neiman, Robin K. Bagley, Dorota Paczesniak, & Shalene Singh-Shepherd. 2021. Development, implementation, and impact of a new preprint solicitation process at Proceedings B. Proceedings B 288:

Angus Davison & Maurine Neiman. 2021. Pearls of Wisdom - a Theo Murphy Issue on molluscan genomics. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 376: 20200151.

James D. Woodell, Maurine Neiman, & Edward P. Levri. 2021. Matching a snail’s pace: Successful use of environmental DNA techniques to detect early stages of invasion by the destructive New Zealand mud snail. Biological Invasions.

Catherine A. Rushworth, Regina S. Baucom, Benjamin K. Blackman, Maurine Neiman, Maria E. Orive, A. Sethuraman, Jessica Ware, & Daniel R. Matute. 2021. Who are we now? A demographic assessment of three evolution societies. Evolution 75: 208-218.

Qiudong Song*, Richard Magnuson*, Joseph Jalinsky, Marissa Roseman*, & Maurine Neiman. 2021. Intraspecific genetic variation for anesthesia success in a New Zealand freshwater snail. Genetica 149: 47-54.

Laura Bankers, Dylan Dahan, Maurine Neiman, Claire Adrian-Tucci, Crystal Frost, Greg D. D. Hurst, & Kayla C. King. 2021. Invasive freshwater snails form novel microbial relationships. Evolutionary Applications 14: 770-780.

Joseph Jalinsky, John M. Logsdon, Jr., & Maurine Neiman. 2020. Male evolution under relaxed selection: Evidence for degeneration in sperm produced by male snails from asexual lineages. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33: 1050-1059.

Carina Donne, Maurine Neiman, James D. Woodell, Martin Haase, & Gerlien Verhaegen. 2020. A layover in Europe: Reconstructing the invasion route of asexual lineages of a New Zealand snail to North America. Molecular Ecology 29: 3446-3465.

Emma S. Greimann*, Samuel Fahrner, James D. Woodell*, Samantha K. Hennessey*, Michael R. Kline*, Jorge A. Moreno*, Madeline R. Peters*, Jennifer L. Cruise, Kristi L. Montooth, Maurine Neiman, & Joel Sharbrough. 2020. Phenotypic variation in mitochondria-related performance traits across New Zealand snail populations. Integrative and Comparative Biology 60: 275-287.

Stephanie Meirmans, Roger K. Butlin, Anne Charmantier, Jan Engelstädter, Astrid T. Groot, Kayla C. King, Hanna Kokko, Jane M. Reid, & Maurine Neiman. 2019. Science policies: How should science funding be allocated? An evolutionary biologists’ perspective. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32: 754-768.

Dorota Paczesniak, Kirsten Klappert, Maurine Neiman, Katri Seppälä, Curt Lively, & Jukka Jokela. 2019. Parasite resistance predicts fitness better than fecundity in a natural population of the freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum. Evolution 73: 1634-1646.

Maurine Neiman, Patrick Meirmans, Tanja Schwander, & Stephanie Meirmans. 2018. Sex in the wild: How and why field-based studies contribute to solving the problem of sex. Evolution 72: 1194-1203.

Joel Sharbrough, Meagan Luse*, Jeffrey L. Boore, John M. Logsdon, Jr., & Maurine Neiman. 2018. Radical amino acid mutations persist longer in the absence of sex. Evolution 72: 808-824. 10.1007/s00442-017-3983-4

Gerlien Verhaegen, Kyle E. McElroy, Laura Bankers, Maurine Neiman, & Martin Haase. 2018. Adaptive phenotypic plasticity in a clonal invader. Ecology and Evolution 8: 4465-4483.

Amy C. Krist, Laura Bankers, Katelyn Larkin, Michele D. Larson, Daniel J. Greenwood, Marissa A. Dyck*, & Maurine Neiman. 2017. Phosphorus availability in the source population influences response to dietary phosphorus quantity in a New Zealand freshwater snail. Oecologia 185: 595. 10.1111/evo.13465

Maurine Neiman, Curtis M. Lively, & Stephanie Meirmans. 2017. Why sex? A pluralist approach revisited. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32: 589-600.

Maïté S. Guignard, Andrew R. Leitch, Claudi Acquisti, Christophe Eizaguirre, James J. Elser, 5, Dag O. Hessen, Punidan D. Jeyasingh, Maurine Neiman, Alan E. Richardson, Pamela S. Soltis, Doug E. Soltis, Carly J. Stevens, Mark Trimmer, Laurence J. Weider, Guy Woodward, & Ilia J. Leitch. 2017. Impacts of nitrogen and phosphorus: from genomes to natural ecosystems and agriculture. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5. 10.3389/fevo.2017.00070

Laura A. Bankers, Peter Fields, Kyle E. McElroy, Jeffrey L. Boore, John M. Logsdon, Jr., & Maurine Neiman. 2017. Genomic evidence for population-specific responses to coevolving parasites in a New Zealand freshwater snail. Molecular Ecology 26: 3663. 10.1111/mec.14146

Kyle E. McElroy, Robert D. Denton, Joel Sharbrough, Laura Bankers, Maurine Neiman, H. Lisle Gibbs. 2017. Genome expression balance in a triploid trihybrid vertebrate. Genome Biology and Evolution 9: 968.

Joel Sharbrough, Jennifer L. Cruise, Megan Beetch*, Nicole M. Enright*, & Maurine Neiman. 2017. Genetic variation for mitochondrial function in the New Zealand freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum. Journal of Heredity 108: 759.

Laura A. Bankers & Maurine Neiman. 2017. De novo transcriptome characterization of a sterilizing trematode parasite (Microphallus sp.) from two species of New Zealand snails. G3 7: 871.

Maurine Neiman, Margaret J. Beaton, Dag O. Hessen, Punidan D. Jeyasingh, & Lawrence J. Weider. 2017. Endopolyploidy as a potential driver of animal ecology and evolution. Biological Reviews 92: 234. 10.1111/brv.12226

Cornelia Geiß, Katharina Ruppert, Clare Askem, Carlos Barroso, Daniel Faber, Virginie Ducrot, Henrik Holbech, Thomas H. Hutchinson, Paula Kajankari, Karin Lund Kinnberg, Laurent Lagadic, Peter Matthiessen, Steve Morris, Maurine Neiman, Olli-Pekka Penttinen, Paula Sanchez-Marin, Matthias Teigeler, Lennart Weltje, & Jörg Oehlmann. 2017. Validation of the OECD reproduction test guideline with the New Zealand mudsnail Potamopyrgus antipodarum using trenbolone and prochloraz. Ecotoxicology 26: 370. 10.1007/s10646-017-1770-y

Amy C. Krist, Adam D. Kay, Elizabeth Scherber*, Katelyn Larkin, Bennett J. Brown, Diana Lu**, Donald T. Warren*, Ruth Riedl*, & Maurine Neiman. 2016. Evidence for extensive but variable nutrient limitation in New Zealand lakes. Evolutionary Ecology 30: 973. 10.1007/s10682-016-9855-2

Maurine Neiman & Amy Krist. 2016. Sensitivity to dietary phosphorus limitation in native vs. invasive lineages of a New Zealand freshwater snail. Ecological Applications 26: 2218-2224. 10.1002/eap.1372

Cristina Takacs-Vesbach, Kayla King, David Van Horn, Katelyn Larkin*, & Maurine Neiman. 2016. Distinct bacterial microbiomes in sexual and asexual Potamopyrgus antipodarum, a New Zealand freshwater snail. PLoS ONE 11: e0161050. 10.1371/journal.pone.0161050

Katelyn Larkin, Claire Tucci*, & Maurine Neiman. 2016. Effects of polyploidy and reproductive mode on life history trait expression. Ecology and Evolution 6: 765-778. 10.1002/ece3.1934

Mark McKone, Amanda K. Gibson, Dan Cook*, Laura A. Freymiller*, Darcy Mishkind*, Anna Quinlan*, Jocelyn M. York*, Curtis M. Lively, & Maurine Neiman. 2016. Fine-scale association between parasites and sex in Potamopyrgus antipodarum within a New Zealand lake. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 40: 330-333.

Deanna M. Soper, Kaitlin M. Hatcher**, & Maurine Neiman. 2016. Documentation of copulatory behavior in triploid male freshwater snails. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 28: 110-116. 10.1080/03949370.2015.1030781

Maurine Neiman, Timothy F. Sharbel, & Tanja Schwander. 2014. Genetic causes of transitions from sexual reproduction to asexuality in plants and animals. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27: 1346-1359. 10.1111/jeb.12357 

Amy Krist, Adam Kay, Katelyn Larkin, & Maurine Neiman. 2014. Response to phosphorus limitation varies among lake populations of the freshwater snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum. PLoS ONE 9: e85845. 10.1371/journal.pone.0085845 

Mark J. McKone, Jonathan W. Moore, Christopher W. Harbison, Ian C. Holmen, Hillary C. Lyons, Kristine M. Nachbor, Julia L. Michalak, Maurine Neiman, Julia L. Nicol, & George R. Wheeler. 2014. Rapid collapse of a population of Dieffenbachia spp. plants used for tadpole-rearing by a poison-dart frog (Oophaga pumilio) in a Costa Rican rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 30: 615-619. 10.1017/S0266467414000467 

Nicole Krois*, Anvesh Cherukuri**, Nikhil Puttagunta**, & Maurine Neiman. 2013. Higher rate of tissue regeneration in polyploid asexual vs. diploid sexual freshwater snails. Biology Letters 9: 20130422. 10.1098/rsbl.2013.0422 

Dorota Paczesniak, Jukka Jokela, Katelyn Larkin*, & Maurine Neiman. 2013. Discordance between nuclear and mitochondrial genomes in sexual and asexual lineages of the freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum. Molecular Ecology 22: 4695-4710. 10.1111/mec.12422 

Maurine Neiman, Adam D. Kay, & Amy C. Krist. 2013. Sensitivity to resource limitation increases with ploidy level in a New Zealand snail. Evolution 67: 1511-1517. 10.1111/evo.12026

Nicholas Zachar* & Maurine Neiman. 2013. Profound effects of population density on fitness-related traits in an invasive freshwater snail. PLoS ONE 8: e80067. 10.1371/journal.pone.0080067

Maurine Neiman, Donald Warren*, Bryce Rasmussen*, & Sylvia Zhang**. 2013. Complex consequences of increased density for reproductive output in an invasive freshwater snail. Evolutionary Ecology 27: 1117-1127. 10.1007/s10682-013-9632-4 

Peter Wilton, Daniel B. Sloan, John M. Logsdon, Jr., Harshavardhan Doddapaneni, & Maurine Neiman. 2013. Characterization of transcriptomes from sexual and asexual lineages of a New Zealand snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum. Molecular Ecology Resources 13: 289-294. 10.1111/1755-0998.12051 

Deanna M. Soper, Maurine Neiman, Oleksandr P. Savytskyy, Miriam E. Zolan, & Curtis M. Lively. 2013. Spermatozoa production by triploid males in the New Zealand freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110: 227-234. 10.1111/bij.12085

Maurine Neiman, Adam D. Kay, & Amy C. Krist. 2013. Can resource costs of polyploidy provide an advantage to sex? Heredity 110: 152-159. 10.1038/hdy.2012.78

Andrew A. Forbes, Laura Rice, Nicholas B. Stewart, Wee L. Yee, & Maurine Neiman. 2013. Niche differentiation and colonization of a novel environment by an asexual parasitic wasp. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 1330-1340. 10.1111/jeb.12135

Maurine Neiman, Katelyn Larkin*, Andrew R. Thompson*, & Peter Wilton. 2012. Male offspring production by asexual Potamopyrgus antipodarum, a New Zealand snail. Heredity 109: 57-62. 10.1038/hdy.2012.13 

Kayla C. King, Otto Seppälä, & Maurine Neiman. 2012. Is more better? Polyploidy and parasite resistance. Biology Letters 10.1098/rsbl.2011.1152.

Maurine Neiman, Dorota Paczesniak, Deanna M. Soper, Austin T. Baldwin, & Gery Hehman. 2011. Wide variation in ploidy level and genome size in a New Zealand freshwater snail with coexisting sexual and asexual lineages. Evolution 65: 3203-3216. 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2011.01360.x

Maurine Neiman & Tanja Schwander. 2011. Tests for advantages of sex by comparing different modes of parthenogenesis. Evolutionary Biology 38: 155. 10.1007/s11692-011-9113-z 

Amanda E. Nelson* & Maurine Neiman. 2011. Persistent copulation in asexual female Potamopyrgus antipodarum: evidence for male control with size-based preferences. International Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2011: 439046. 

Maurine Neiman, Gery Hehman, Joseph T. Miller, John M. Logsdon, Jr., & Douglas R. Taylor. 2010. Accelerated mutation accumulation in asexual lineages of a freshwater snail. Molecular Biology and Evolution 27: 954-963. 10.1093/molbev/msp300 

Dag O. Hessen, Punidan D. Jeyasingh, Maurine Neiman, & Lawrence J. Weider. 2010. Genome streamlining and the elemental costs of growth. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 25: 75-80. 

Maurine Neiman, Katherine M. Theisen*, Madelyn E. Mayry*, & Adam D. Kay. 2009. Higher nucleic acid content in asexual vs. sexual snails: a cost of asexuality? Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 1359-1363. 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2009.01748.x

Maurine Neiman & Douglas R. Taylor. 2009. Recombination and mutation accumulation in mitochondrial genomes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 276: 1201- 1209. 10.1098/rspb.2008.1758 

Maurine Neiman, Stephanie Meirmans, & Patrick Meirmans. 2009. What can we learn from estimating asexual lineage age distributions? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1168: 185-200. 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04572.x

Maurine Neiman & Britt Koskella. 2009. Sex and the Red Queen. Pages 133-159 in: Lost Sex: The Evolutionary Biology of Parthenogenesis. Springer, Amsterdam. 

Maurine Neiman, Matthew Olson, & Peter Tiffin. 2009. Selective histories of poplar protease inhibitors: elevated polymorphism, purifying selection, and positive selection driving divergence of recent duplicates. New Phytologist 183: 740-750. 

Andrew M. Schurko, Maurine Neiman, & John M. Logsdon, Jr.. 2009. Signs of sex: What we know and how we know it. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 24: 208-217. 

Stephen R. Keller, Dexter S. Sowell, Maurine Neiman, Lorne Wolfe, & Douglas R. Taylor. 2009. Adaptation and colonization history affect the evolution of clines in two introduced species. New Phytologist 183: 678-690. 

Maurine Neiman. 2006. Embryo production in a parthenogenetic snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) is negatively affected by the presence of other parthenogenetic females. Invertebrate Biology 125: 45-50. 

Maurine Neiman & Timothy A. Linksvayer. 2006. The conversion of variance and the evolutionary potential of restricted recombination. Heredity 96: 111-121. 

Stephanie Meirmans & Maurine Neiman. 2006. Methodologies for testing a pluralist idea for the maintenance of sex. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 89: 605-613. 

Maurine Neiman, Jukka Jokela, & Curtis M. Lively. 2005. Variation in asexual lineage age in Potamopyrgus antipodarum, a New Zealand snail. Evolution 59: 1945-1952. 

Maurine Neiman & Curtis M. Lively. 2005. Male New Zealand mud snails (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) persist in copulating with asexual and parasitically castrated females. American Midland Naturalist 154: 88-96. /[0088:MNZMSP]2.0.CO;2

Camille Barr, Maurine Neiman, & Douglas R. Taylor. 2005. Inheritance and recombination of mitochondrial genomes in plants, fungi and animals. New Phytologist 168: 39-50. 

Thomas Städler, Michaela Frye, Maurine Neiman, & Curtis M. Lively. 2005. Mitochondrial haplotypes and the New Zealand origin of European Potamopyrgus, an invasive aquatic snail. Molecular Ecology 14: 2465-2473. 

Maurine Neiman & Curtis M. Lively. 2004. Pleistocene glaciation is implicated in the phylogeographical structure of Potamopyrgus antipodarum, a New Zealand snail. Molecular Ecology 13: 3085-3098. 

Maurine Neiman. 2004. Physiological dependence on copulation in parthenogenetic females can reduce the cost of sex. Animal Behaviour 67: 811-822. 

Jeremiah W. Busch, Maurine Neiman and Jennifer M. Koslow. 2004. Evidence for maintenance of sex by pathogens in plants. Evolution 58: 2584-2590. 


*Authors who were undergraduates at the time of contribution.

**Authors who were high school students at the time of contribution.